? Finally your Spring Retreat?

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for your favorite retreat.

Communication, Music and Sports

We all waited a long time for this time, full of:

  • Communications
  • We play contests
  • Singing, dancing
  • Atmospheric evenings.
  • Interesting thematic discussions.
  • Cool new acquaintances.

All in an atmosphere of lightness, intriguing activities, cheerful mood and friendship.

 ? We took care of super comfortable conditions, a sense of security and coziness for you!

? Bryukhovychi May 4-6, 2 nights, 3 fabulous days. Price – 1300 hryvnias.

Phone numbers for questions:

т. 0936203479, т. 0983216391

  • Children from 12 years old can travel without their parents.
  • Children of any age can travel with their parents.

Where will the retreat take place?

tserkva-Vynohradna-Loza fun

Spring retreat “JoyFULL

Ultra interesting discussions, Music master classes, Sports, Crafts, Games, Contests, Gifts, Cool new acquaintances, Atmospheric rest

Весняний ретріт

Questions about the Spring Retreat

A camp for everyone who is young at heart! For married and not, for couples and singles, for children, youth and adults. For families with and without children.

Recreation center of the Higher Theological Seminary of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church. Lvivska street, 62, Bryukhovychy, Lviv region, 79491  

We cannot guarantee that there will be free seats. Priority is given to those who go to the entire camp. If there are free places – we will be happy to help. Then the price will be 1200 hryvnias accordingly.

We will hide in the basement – a storage room

There will be a separate general program for young adults, parents and a separate program for children. All communication groups will be divided by age.

Retreat goals: rest for body and spirit. Get inspired and improve yourself in English, creative and social-communicative skills, and other soft skills. Make new friends, seek God deeply with your heart, His support and direction for your life, in this difficult time.

The Christian Protestant Evangelical Church Vynohradna Loza organizes the retreat.” Pastor of the church – Ihor Granatiuk


There is no deadline as such. Vacancies are booked and occupied every day. Registration is considered final – after full payment. There are still free places … Don’t delay – your place is being taken ))

Yes, this possibility exists, but in this case there will be only one portion of food for two people. But, unfortunately, we do not provide discounts for children.

There are regular buses to and from Lviv Hotel. Bus #8

Банка для табору

If you have filled out the questionnaire, you can have a conversation on various issues regarding the retreat by phone (tel. 0936203479, tel. 0983216391) and payment via this link: >>> PAY FOR THE RETREAT >> https://send.monobank.ua/jar/37FMjDZohM

In the comment, indicate: “For the retreat” and the Names and Surnames for whom the payment is made.