Every Sunday 15:30 - Sakharova 35, Lviv

What the Lviv Evangelical Church "Vineyard" believes in:

1. God

God, who is perfect in goodness and justice, created man for Himself, and in this life is his greatest happiness! (Genesis 1-2)

2. 2.

She rebelled against the authority of God, decided to live for herself, to define what is good and evil for herself, and this is the root of all her misfortunes. (Genesis 3).

3. A fair trial

God loves man and is angry that he destroys himself. A just judgment awaits man with fierce anger. (Romans 3:23, 6:23)

Evangelical Church

We exist to

Worship God with all your heart
disciples of Jesus!

4. 4.

Man's nature is fundamentally corrupted - he cannot save himself by any works. (Ephesians 2:8-9).

5. Substitute Victim

Jesus came to Earth to take the punishment that man deserved and to pay his debt! (John 3:16)

6. 6.

Whoever repents to God by faith receives the Holy Spirit, who gives new life to the Creator with desire, joy, and power! (2 Corinthians 5:15)

People's testimonies:

Why did we entrust our lives to Christ?

Today we do not know of a single person who became a true disciple of Jesus and regretted it!

I entrusted my life to Jesus because I "tasted" how good the Lord is. I was motivated by an empty, sinful, meaningless life, and convinced by the fact that He is the living God, not just someone painted in a picture, but real, living, and the One who changes lives!!! I never regretted it, just as a person who was blind and saw the light does not regret it - it is unnatural! Glory to God!
Taras Tsymbrak
Entrepreneur, massage therapist
I entrusted my life to Christ because I really felt how much Jesus loved me and what price was paid for the forgiveness of my sins. I knew about my sins, and they were very serious, and I just felt and realized how great God's mercy was to me. I do not regret it at all, because God changed my heart, it became less cruel, God taught me to rely on Him and trust Him in difficult circumstances, and I have not been depressed for more than 7 years because the Lord really became my hope.
Stas Medushenko
I trusted Jesus with my life because I realized His boundless, undeserved love for me. He gave His life for me, knowing that I would continue to sin. I follow Jesus because I have realized that He will never betray me, I am unfaithful, and God is always the same, faithful and close to me. I have a relationship with God and now I am most afraid of losing it. I have never regretted giving my life to God, I am happy with Him, and His plan for my life is interesting and the best.
I trusted Jesus with my life when I realized that He is the only way to God, the Truth and the Life. When I learned that Jesus had died in my place for my sins and that I could be forgiven and free from them, I decided to turn away from my old sinful life. God gave me a choice, and I accepted His generous gift of forgiveness and eternity with Him. It's been over 13 years since I have had Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and there hasn't been a single situation in which I have regretted my decision to follow Him. God is loving and faithful, He helps me through difficulties, gives me strength and motivation to keep going.
Svitlana Eliseeva
I trusted Christ because I saw His mercy and love for me and realized the meaning of my life. Looking for answers to the questions "Why do I live?", "What is the meaning of my life?"... I did not find answers and did not see the meaning in life, feeling an emptiness that could not be filled by anyone or anything.
Having met Jesus, I rejoice, having confidence in the future!
Khrystyna Zyblikevych
Doctor, Head of the Department
I surrendered my life to God, because He gave me everything to live on, He does not need anything from me, and I cannot live without Him. He opened my eyes to the world, taught me to love and trust Him. He is the only one who truly loves and does not need anything from me in return. He is faithful and simply loves, and I want to give this love out simply and without expecting anything from people, just to love as He loved me. He is my stronghold and support. Thanks to God, I am standing with the church in God's faithful formation, as God's army, so I want to change and grow spiritually in the future. Glory to Jesus Christ!!!
Svitlana Leontieva
SMM manager
I came to God when my life was full of sin. Fun companies, alcohol, cigarettes and many other terrible things... Doing all this, my life was slipping into the abyss, sadness, hatred, depression, a lot of pain and loneliness, lack of love and indifference to life. Just when I thought I was having fun and everything was "okay", God came into my life, just when I thought I was doing well, He revealed His Greatness and Justice and love to me. As I get to know God, I am more and more convinced that life with God and according to His laws is much cooler and happier than life without Him.
Margo Druzhinina
Student, massage therapist
I have completely entrusted my life to Christ, because only through my relationship with Him can I be truly happy. My life has meaning. In every circumstance, even the most difficult ones, Jesus points to a way out, deliverance, and freedom. I have not become perfect, but God inspires me to change my character and surprises me with boundless love. God has an incredibly strong desire to support his children at every step of our life's journey. It is incredible!
Rusana Lubenets
SMM manager

People often ask:

First of all, God is really Good. He is Perfect and Almighty. He did not create man because He needed something: "He is not satisfied with the service of human hands!" (Acts 17) The reason for Creation was not His need! He is absolutely Self-sufficient! He creates to show love and to convey the happiness that He has in Himself!

God created the world perfect: without pain, without tears, without suffering! God gave man the opportunity to make choices in order to build a personal relationship of love with him. Man betrayed his father and decided to live for himself! Sin separated man from the perfect source of life like an abyss! Our excessive, unbridled self-love began to destroy the Lord's earth!

Sometimes, when we reflect on this question, we hope to disprove the existence of God, so it is worth noting first of all: If there is no Creator, then the question loses its meaning because there is no single absolute good! Next, we need to understand what Good is! Good is the source of life. Evil is that which destroys life... In our opinion, the idea that "out of nothing came Everything" contradicts the basic laws of logic.

Since God is the source of all life, He Himself is the absolute standard of goodness: His will, His character, His point of view on everything! The next question is: how should good react to evil? If goodness does not act to restrain the spread of evil, it ceases to be good. A judge who does not convict a criminal is corrupt, unjust, and unkind. Prov. 17:15 He who justifies the unjust and he who condemns the righteous, both are abominations to the LORD. So, if we realize what goodness and justice are, we will be interested in the opposite question: "How can a Just God leave a sinner unpunished?"

If a person could somehow save himself, Jesus Christ would not have needed to come to Earth. Man is helpless and powerless on his own. God came down to earth and was born as a man to pay the debt that man owed. That payment is made in our place when we accept by faith that Jesus has paid our debt to God's justice in full and has fully 100% secured our salvation!

God has promised that to everyone who believes in Jesus' sacrifice on the cross to save us, He will give the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with the desire and power to live for God! God has commissioned the church to go to the ends of the earth and preach this gospel - that is why the church is the hope of the world! Jesus said that He was building His church - that is why the Church of Christ the Savior belongs to Jesus!

The Evangelical Church is not just a religious organization.

The Bible teaches that the Church is... the Body of Christ. The family of God. The prayer shield of the country. It is an organically organized organism.

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Other interesting questions:

Historically, there are usually 5 main features of evangelical Protestant churches that most evangelical Christians consider to be the most important:

They all begin with the word "Only" (or the Latin Solo). Christians believe in:

  • Solo Scriptura - Scripture alone (the Bible) has absolute infallible authority. For example, Christians have no objection to church and cultural traditions, except when they contradict Scripture.
  • Solo Christus - Christ alone - We are saved from the just judgment - only through faith in Jesus Christ, there is no other way.
  • Solo Gratia - Salvation is by grace alone, not of works. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • Solo Fide - The gift of salvation is accepted only through FAITH in the sacrifice, merit, and work of Christ.
  • Solo Deo Gloria - To God alone belongs all the Glory, since we owe everything to Him. (Romans 11:36)

Protestant believers are convinced that these so-called five solos are the foundation of Biblical Christianity.

If you would like to learn more about the doctrine, please see our Creed

The term "evangelical" emphasizes the Gospel. The name "gospel" refers to the good news that Jesus Christ brought for us. According to the Gospel: Jesus has brought us back to life.

The Christian Evangelical Church is a collective name for the united Protestant churches. The term "evangelical" is used to emphasize the need for every believer to live in accordance with the Gospel, that is, in accordance with the will of Jesus Christ.

One Protestant group of Christians includes different denominations and movements. However, the evangelical church believes that salvation is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ. They emphasize that belonging to any religious organization or regular participation in it does not guarantee salvation.

Christ came to earth for two main purposes of love.
  • First: To pay our debt for our sins-to redeem us.
  • Second: Start a church through a group of followers.

So, we are an evangelical church in the city of Lviv, Ukraine

The address of the meetings of the Evangelical Church is Lviv, Sakharova 35, 15:30, every Sunday.

Christian life involves constant communication between Christians. Sunday church meetings and regular home group meetings provide opportunities for this.

The general worship service (also called "gathering" or "assembly" meetings of the whole church) in Protestant churches is usually held on Sunday. The whole congregation comes and worships their Savior together. The Scriptures support the idea of the need for a general Sunday gathering with the lives of the early Christians. (Acts 20:7 Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples had gathered together to break bread, Paul spoke to them...)

Meetings are also held on weekdays. The so-called "home groups" or "small groups" are common: fellowship, joint Bible study, prayers and hymns in the home of one of the believers.

Protestant believers are convinced that the Lord gives His Church the necessary opportunities for effective ministry.

Jesus answered: "Truly, truly, I say to you: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Repentance comes (takes its name and meaning) from the Greek word "metanoia" - a change in the way of thinking, a change in one's beliefs and worldview ideas. We build our lives on ideas. God does not change our lives technically - he changes ideas, beliefs - which in turn change our lives.

A person cannot help but have religious beliefs. The belief that there is no God is also a religious belief. We cannot prove the absence of God. We have not been able to test this in an experiment.

A person is not saved by repentance. Repentance is a change of mindset!

Currently, we do not have our own premises. The first church met in the church and in homes during the week. Similarly, most of our activities take place in small groups, circles, clubs, homes, and in our office at 4 Dontsova Street. Our Sunday service is now held at 35 Sakharova Street, Lviv. Where the church of Jesus Christ gathers is the House of Prayer.

Online broadcasts of the service:

Here is the Evangelical Church: https://www.youtube.com/@cvloza